what should i do???


Active Member
gettin ready to go on vacation....my girls (wishful thinking still, knock on wood) are all doin great....the tallest is about 20 inches and the shortest is about 16 inches but really bushy and there still in veg state.....

Problem is i got them in 12 inch pots which have done great till now cause there starting to get a little small. Im about to go on vacation for about 2 weeks and i was wondering what i should do...should i transplant them into the ground now or when i get back, im afraid that if i dont transplant b4 i leave there gonna die....whatcha all think???


Well-Known Member
transplant them in too a bigger pot ..mayb get someone u trust to water them ..or get a water nd light timer if ur goin for 2-weeks thats pretty risky..for sure keep them outside...if u cant find anyone to help u ..water it before u leave (alot hoping that it will rain at least once or twice) good luck nd happy smokin :)