Well-Known Member
I about to get shrooms and i have a friend who has wanted them for awhile. He is depressed and maybe suicidal (I dont think he is but he is depressed alot) but anyway he has acid before and for his first time he did 12 hits of good acid. He didnt freak out but drew all over his wall. He tells me he doesnt see how people freak out because he has no fear of death so he doesn't freak out. Well i can get shrooms for 150$ an o and was going to sell it for 200$ but my problem is i think he is going to take all of them at once. This scares me because i dont want him to kill himself or freak out and do something to hurt himself because i would feel bad and responsible since i sold them to him. Should i not sell them to him or do you think 12 hits of acid would be just as crazy as an ounce of shrooms. Should i sell him the shrooms in seperate quarters to him so he has to eat the one before he can get the other one, making it so he only can do a quarter at a time? Would you feel responsible if something happened to the person you sold drugs to?