What seed companies ship to NY?


Well-Known Member
I want something different than the stuff I've been breeding and smoking all these years, not to mention I need to inject new genetics.

I should say RELIABLE/REPUTABLE seed companies.... Not some folks who just slap any old name on some weed to make a sale.
I'm in the NY area... NYC area to be exact. I've been growing for the past 9 yrs off n on. You shouldn't have any problems with any seed company or bank you choose. I look for weird strains myself n definitely not anything that everyone else is smoking on or growing. I have a few seed banks that I order from n all of them are decent as far as shipping discreetly n shipping times. PM if ya need specific banks. Keep up the good grows!
Im in upstate NY and have ordered from seedsman and got my shipment before it went legal and they all pretty much turned out to be good. I did have some blue cheese ones that never popped but they were rather old when I tried them all the others popped and grew well. It did take some time to get the order so I would maybe try a state side company if your in any rush to get them. I have a buddy in VT that ordered from cropking seeds and has nothing but bad luck with them popping but they keep sending him new ones but those don’t pop either so kind of pointless. ILGM is a good one but pricy
north atlantic seeds, multiverse. All super easy, fast shipping. Multiverse has a ton of mephisto last I looked and supposedly getting night owl soon