What lights should I use for propogation?

high humidity all the way thru veg, umm i dont play with the dome it will make you plants weak and make it take more time to get clones and seedlings out of dome and ready for action.(they have to adjust to new air when they come out of dome)
Yes you could use regular soil then flower with tomato food when the times comes tomatos and mj are very similar
they grow the same almost just make sure your tempature is inline and water on time they will be happy
I then will treat them like tomatoes :p... (And ill take good care of them) :) So a humidity dome isn't a good idea?... How else do I get the humidity up then? :)

Thanks :)

Humidity should be 95-100%. Beware, as humidity meters are notoriously innaccurate. You can calibrate them using the 'Wet salt method'. This basically involves placing them in a sealed plastic tub with a glass of almost saturated salt for a few hours. They should read 75% humidity.
The dome does help keep the humidity high. Also, spray the leaves with water with a fine spray twice daily.
If you must use soil, I would use seedling and cutting compost. However, I much prefer root-riot cubes. They aren't expensive.
Watch out for 'Damping-off'. This is a fungal disease (visually obvious) that starts right where the stem meets the soil. If you see it, get the cover off straight away.
If all goes well, when roots or new growth start showing, slowly open the vents on the dome, then entirely remove the dome over a period of time (a few days). You have to slowly acclimatise them. Same when they go in the big room. Start off away from the light and slowly move them closer.
Genearally, you would not feed until they go into the big room unless using an inert substrate, in which case you might feed at max 25% normal rate.
If it doesn't work, don't give up. Cloning takes practise.
Good luck.
Thank you buddy :) + Rep! (When I get to a proper comuter :p) I will put all that into practise

Thanks :)

No worries mate. Best way of getting help is to do a journal as you go, providing lots of pictures. Be prepared for lots of differing opinions though, and don't take anything as gospel until a few others get their chance to have their say! A lot of people talk a lot of rubbish on these sites, but they generally get put in their place pretty quickly. If security is a worry, use hidemyass.com. and ensure your camera doen't save an exif file. Feel free to PM me anytime, although next week I am on a course so won't be able to reply as quickly as usual.
Thanks :).... You have been very helpful and insightful... I will keep a journal when I start and ill also start a thread on my build :)... Thanks for all your help :)
