What Lighting Do I need for this much space?


Active Member
My cabinet is 39" tall, 28" wide and 16" in depth. I want something thats not that expensive and not much ventilation required so i was thinking along the lines of Dual Spectrum II from StealthHydro (CFL). I was going to get 4 of em, theyre 85watts each and have both red and blue spectrum for vegi/flower. I was gonna build a bubbler system for an sog method and put the walls with mylar, i mean completely mylar on all sides of room. I was wondering if the light was adequate for a small growth like that. The lumens for two of em are 8300 as it says, dunno if it doubles with 4. If anyone has any experience with these lights can ya tell me if fan over 200cfm is needed? People say you can put the lights 1 inch away from the plant but with 4 dunno whatll happen, either way im going to need a fan for exhaust cause of summer heat :evil:and one inside for circulation

captain pothead

Active Member
You got 3 square feet of space. 4 85 watt lights would be 340 total watts. Thats over 100 watts per square foot. I would say 3 max but 4 would be too many. 50 to 80 watts per square foot is what i know.