What light hours do you recommend for veg?


Hi everyone,

How many hours of light do you all suggest I use for the first 4 weeks of vegetation? I heard that you should use 24 hours of light in the first four weeks....?

Also, at what time of the plants vegetation should I start using a fan?



Well-Known Member
i use either 24/0 or 18/6. the older they get the less light i give them, and YES keep that fan on 24 hours a day.. helps strenghtens them..


Active Member
there is no right or wrong answer, some people say 24/0 but ive noticed veg growth at night and when the lights come on they grew i their sleep, i go 19/5 right now and im in week 4 of veg, but ive done 19/5 the whole time and its worked good. fan=24/7 all the time. its really up to you man, but remember your supposed to be recreating nature so there is no where that you have 24 hrs a day except the north and soth pole, kinda makes sense to me plants need night time like we do...check out my first grow whatcha think


Well-Known Member
i start with 24/0 then when their growing how i want them and to the height i want them i go to 20/4 then right before flower 18/6 for a couple days then 12/12


Active Member
i start 24/0 for a week or so to get everything going then i switch to 18/6 seems to work just fine and then i wk before12/12 i switch to 16/8 light cycle in nature changes almost daily