What Kind of Bong am I Talking About??


Well-Known Member
What kind of bongs are used to basically melt the herbs. I remember seeing this a couple of years ago and basically what they did was place the herb on a very hot plate and then the herb practically melted and turned into a very thick smoke. Some type of bong was used to inhale all of the smoke.

What kind of bong or system of smoking was that called?? Brands??

Thanks for the help guys and gals!



Well-Known Member
its called a vaporizer..... there a dime a dozen on the internet, but rumor has it the best one is called The Volcano


Well-Known Member
I actually own the Volcano Classic but I was talking about what Auzzie pointed out. Thanks for the help though!

Awesome, thanks!! :leaf:

I'll forewarn you, they're kind of expensive as they are usually sold as attachments to a water pipe, rather than as a complete set.


Well-Known Member
Got any pics?

I've never even heard of one, much less know what they look like. I'm curious.



Well-Known Member
I'll forewarn you, they're kind of expensive as they are usually sold as attachments to a water pipe, rather than as a complete set.
Thanks for the heads up but I'm not interested in purchasing anything of the sort. I just wanted to watch them in action on Youtube. I remember seeing this a few years ago and I remember being so intrigued by it:leaf:

i make them. pm me and ill mail you one for cheap. g on g attatchments right?
Thanks for the offer but as I mentioned, I won't be needing one. Let's see some pics of your finished products and I'm sure you'll get some attention on this site:leaf:

Got any pics?

I've never even heard of one, much less know what they look like. I'm curious.

Google Ti Pad:leaf: