What is your nutrient/light/pump set up?

I know there are thousands of threads on a bunch of websites of people saying the nutrients they use. A lot of people (including me) sometimes find it confusing, especially beginners. In this thread I want to try to start a outline of the following in an organized manner for other growers from newbies to commercial expert growers to explore and see what other growers use in success and failure with their nutrients. I'm going to throw in the optional input for light use (ie: 12/12, or 16/8 and so on) and pump timing just for the heck of it, dawg.
First and foremost - What time of grow are you doing?

::Type Of Grow::

-Amount of plants/sites
-What do you use for your medium?


::Cloning Nutrient List::
-Brands (if any)
-Amount per gallon (mention the ratio you use if you cut down the amount the package advises. ie: package advises 'x amount per gallon' and you use 1/4 of that amount per gallon. I'm sure you get it)
-PPM level

-Cloning Gel or Powder Brand

-Pump Time
-Type of light/Light time

::Vegative Nutrient List::

-Amount per gallon
-PPM level

-Any additional products and reasoning can be listed here

-Pump Time
-Type of light/Light Time

::Flowering Nutrient List::

-Amount per gallon
-PPM level

-Any additional products and reasoning can be listed here

-Pump Time
-Type of light/Light Time

Okay, I know I'm missing a bunch of things, If you see anything extra you'd like to add feel free too. The more the better. This post seems more daunting to look at because of the work but I believe it will be a very helpful thread so for any contributors and spend all the time to list on this thread, thank you very much. For those of you who view this thread and don't feel like spending all that time writing out your information..I understand and that is fine but look around I hope you find something to be useful for you on here.

The likely-hood of this post getting many replies is that of the likely-hood of having more female seeds than male from a batch.

Roll it up. kiss-ass