What is wrong with my plant?!!?


Please can someone help me out, this is my first plant ever , i started growing it in march , and about a month ago i started flowering stage , i do have some buds already growing but the thing is that as soon as i went into flowering stage all of the leaves started curling up and dying , especially the small/young leaves , and i have looked everywhere/ read almost everything about growing but i still dont know what is causing the leaves to die .
( And also, before i started the flowering stage my plant had kind of a strong smell of weed, but now it doesnt smell like anything, only when leaves fall off and you rub them between ur fingers they smell like something but not exactly like weed) please can someone tell by the pictures what is wrong with the plant.


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Looks like overwatering signs, is there drain holes in the pot or does it have a snapped on dish on the bottom of the pot.. if no holes make some,, if it has a dish on it pull it off to help it drain.. drooping leaves and dead tips says to me over watered and/or drowning..
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Need more info. What kind of soil, how often do you water and what do you fed it? Educated guess not knowing a lot I'd say needs a lot morel ight, may be overwatered and also malnourished, is a very pale green
I actually just found the seed randomly, i didn’t buy seeds or special equipment because i didn’t really know what i need and don’t need, I water my plant every 4 or more days i give it less then half litrez, it does have drainage holes on the bottom , but before i started the flowering stage my plant had many leaves and i did not have any problems whatsoever, but as soon as i started to give it 12hours light 12hours dark it just started to die, i give him some nutrients npk ( once every week ) but i dont give too much , also the only light source it gets is my window . My plant always was this lime green color but recently its just really bad , i hope it’s going to pull through , can a plant survive without leaves or should i basically throw it out because its dead ? Thank uu guys for help ( the photo is how my plant used to look like , it had many leaves ) and also one time i put it outside in the direct sun so it would get more sun but all of the leaves literally curled up so bad since then i cant put it in the direct sun for too long because the leaves just curl and die.


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I actually just found the seed randomly, i didn’t buy seeds or special equipment because i didn’t really know what i need and don’t need, I water my plant every 4 or more days i give it less then half litrez, it does have drainage holes on the bottom , but before i started the flowering stage my plant had many leaves and i did not have any problems whatsoever, but as soon as i started to give it 12hours light 12hours dark it just started to die, i give him some nutrients npk ( once every week ) but i dont give too much , also the only light source it gets is my window . My plant always was this lime green color but recently its just really bad , i hope it’s going to pull through , can a plant survive without leaves or should i basically throw it out because its dead ? Thank uu guys for help ( the photo is how my plant used to look like , it had many leaves ) and also one time i put it outside in the direct sun so it would get more sun but all of the leaves literally curled up so bad since then i cant put it in the direct sun for too long because the leaves just curl and die.
Without additional light it won't make much flower at all. They need lots of input from grow lights. There could be many reasons you drop leaves.
Taking that plant from the dim light into full sun and maybe wind as well. Just like a vegetable plant it takes time for plants to adjust to the new environment that is drastically different.
It will smell more when it starts growing. You are still being gentle with fertilizer. There is a time to be easy on nutes, this AIN'T that time. Feed your plant.
Without additional light it won't make much flower at all. They need lots of input from grow lights. There could be many reasons you drop leaves.
Taking that plant from the dim light into full sun and maybe wind as well. Just like a vegetable plant it takes time for plants to adjust to the new environment that is drastically different.
It will smell more when it starts growing. You are still being gentle with fertilizer. There is a time to be easy on nutes, this AIN'T that time. Feed your plant.
thank uuu , i also have thought about buying growing lights , but i dont really know what kind to buy , and also i have been spraying my plants leaves with just regular sparkling water , is that ok or does it also damage the plant? ( i read somewhere that u can spray sparkling water on weed but idk)
thank uuu , i also have thought about buying growing lights , but i dont really know what kind to buy , and also i have been spraying my plants leaves with just regular sparkling water , is that ok or does it also damage the plant? ( i read somewhere that u can spray sparkling water on weed but idk)
Mineral can be sprayed onto leaves while in veg. What minerals are in sparkling water? I only put stuff onto the leaf early in seedling stage to break apical dominance to keep short stockier plants. There are tricks to help your plant to be short and fat not tall and thin. Without lots of light it won't matter.
I like LED. Very efficient and not hot like other lamps. I have read the state of the art in LED lighting is the Samsung Diode LM301 and a Meanwell brand driver. The driver splits the electrical energy so each diode gets 3 watts. These drivers get hot. If you grow more than one plant you will want to vent the moisture and heat outside. I use a ViparSpectra XS1500 and XS2000. I like the smaller lamp for myself. 2 of these 150 watt lamps are way brighter than the 240 watt version. The driver is cooler on the smaller lamp. I place a fan over my lamps to keep them cooler because I'm paranoid about hot temps. These little lamps are $160. There is an even smaller light (XS1000) @ 120 watts for $110. There are many similar good lights out there, this is what I bought.
Bloom plus lights are Samsung lm301 diodes and priced well. Ebay has 20% off right now- i just bought a couple 100w to supplement my larger lights- $73 shipped.
1 for a small plant in veg 2 for flowering.
I believe you get better coverage with a few smaller lamps rather than 1 large one. More versatile. If you don’t have a lot of height to grow- any LED over 3-400w will be overkill.
Also do some simple research on soil growing to get your nutrients in line and you will be rewarded. Patience in necessary for any gardening.
Spring water. Not sparkling water.. and 4 times aweek is the problem... without a propper grow inviroment its going to take awhile to dry out.. sitting on a window sill or table infront of a window it will only need water maybe once aweek.. thats a maybe..