What is wrong! please help


Well-Known Member
How is ur soil drainage? I had problems like this once when my soil was too heavy. looks like a lockout or a burn. whats ur feeding schedule.


Well-Known Member
yea looks a little soggy. 10= 2 gallon I think. usaully a gallon per foot of height. what happened to me is my soil was heavy took a long time too dry. it was fucking everything up. I think it is not stressed enough how important drainage is. when soil stays wet to long it will cause lockout and burn. They kind of work together. If it seems like ur soil is a little heavy I would repot and really make sure it drains very well. u may have to water more but u can control things alot better that way.


Well-Known Member
yea let them dry out real good. I know sometimes u are thinking wow these things must need water but resist the temptation.


Well-Known Member
It's been written at RIU that if trying to determine if one should water because the dirt appears dry when can try the finger test method to help make a determination on the matter.

The finger test method is where one sticks a finger down into the dirt, 1/2 to 1 inches (don't hurt any roots when doing so) and if the soil is damp then allow more time before waterig.


Active Member
So I have to transplant them to a bigger pot? I use this plants for clones, is there a way to control how tall they grow?


Active Member
thats not from over-watering. it kinda looks like a nitrogen def. but the brown on the end of the leaves is throwing me off because it looks like nute burn.

id give it a new organic soil mix like foxfarm, flush then transplant to a bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
yes look up bonsai mothers. i have done it and it works. my mothers were 5 fet tall and I got them under control. if u start early u can control them even better.