What is up w/ my branches?


Well-Known Member
I have a very nice 2 1/2 ft plant outdoors in the woods. All of a sudden inoticed my plant is alternating leaves instead of the traditional leaf on leaf branches. The top 3 or 4 nodes the branches are growing about 1to 3'' intervals. I can tell from her preflowers that it is a female (Im happy, it's my most vigerous grower).

But seriously, what is up with my branches? Anybody got tips


Active Member
It is mature sir, start looking for pre-flowers/pollen sacs. When the leaves start growing like that, the plant is mature.

Edit: Read the rest of your post, you already know its female, Congrats!! That growth is normal, dont be alarmed


Well-Known Member
thats awesome news!!! OMFG!!!! Im super high, and that very much so pleases me to hear that.

Can anyone help me w/ this plant here. I topped it when it was 8" tall, and now it has 2 tops, but growing so slow. It has been like 6 weeks since I topped it.


Active Member
Wow that is one plant? Looks like 2 separate plants, lol. Pretty cool. Topping does slow growth down a bit, and its worse outside especially if you get a few cloudy days in a row. Id just let it go, or if you got some high N nutes maybe hit her with one last dose but the solstice is upon us. Buds are just around the corner!!