what is this


Well-Known Member
have had this succulent plant for 2-3 years, this year is the first year it has started to what looks like will be flowers anybody know what this plant is called?IMG_2410[1].jpgIMG_2411[1].jpg
That would be a Kalanchoe. If you were to pin me down I would say it's a kalanchoe delagoensis. A very hardy plant that is very easy to clone. They grow little bulbils on the leaf tips that drop off and root themselves into the soil. You may want to prop it up. They have a tendency to collapse under their own weight during flowering.
thx carne, i just found it also.nicknamed mother of millions. i have staked it maybe i should go higher up. and those bulbils have started to fall off and make more. i was givin it in a small pot and have left it there for a year or 2 transplanted to nicer area and started to grow and is now getting ready to flower.ill post some pics when in flowers.
That would be a Kalanchoe. If you were to pin me down I would say it's a kalanchoe delagoensis. A very hardy plant that is very easy to clone. They grow little bulbils on the leaf tips that drop off and root themselves into the soil. You may want to prop it up. They have a tendency to collapse under their own weight during flowering.

Damn dude, you really know your shit! :clap: