What is this? Strange looking buds


Active Member
Friends and Experts,

I've started growning a few plants this
year, from bag seed. All are growing
nicely. However, one of the females has
very unusual buds starting.

These buds are sparse and elongated,
unlike all the others. Please view the
attached photos, and post your opinion
as to what this plant is, and why its' buds
are so different than the rest of the 'normal'
plant's "tight Buds".



Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
This one is more Sativa than your other plants you have going.
Is you other girl more Bushy and compact?
Then it's more Indica.
Looks like you have some good Mexican Sativa on your hands.
They take longer to finish and are more spacey.
Increase the light and you'll see some tightening up.


Active Member
The Wheelman asked me to post some photos of the buds.
Here they are. The first one is "unknown.jpg" which is the
plant in question. The second one "Normal.jpg" is how the
rest of them look. You can see how the unknown one is
mostly white hairs, and very sparce as far as greenery goes.

So two questions:

1) Is the "unknown.jpg" plant identifiable?
2) Are either of these or both ready for harvesting?



Active Member
aye looks heavy with sativa 2 me

they just young buds, theyll fatten up.

and a few more lumens never hurt anybody

except people with skin cancer
and people that die in the dessert
and that little english girl thats allergic to sunlight

but other than them :-)


Take into consideration that the seed you used may have not been the most suitable for using to grow. My experience is that you have to be very diligent in seed hunting, or else you'll just get a plant with poor genetics.