What is this growing on my plant


Well-Known Member
does not rub off with finger also spray with green clean every sunday which is suppose to kill mold if thats what it is IMG_20190722_095335.jpg IMG_20190722_095413.jpg


Well-Known Member
This is the second thread I've seen in the last couple of days with something like that on a plant. The other poster cut it off since it was only on one tip of his plant. Where is it on your plant, is that the main stem?
What is the active ingredient in green clean?


Well-Known Member
yeah its growing on my main stalk on the first pic but on another plant its a little lower not on the main stalk


Well-Known Member
Shit, that sucks.
You might want to try hydrogen peroxide 3%. It's kind of harsh, but you're not budding yet, so it shouldn't be too bad. At that strength you can spray it directly on the plant, just don't overdo it. It can cause burning on the leaves.
Other than that all I can suggest is cutting it off. You should just have time for the plant to recover before flowering, so it might just be like topping it.