What is the easiest indoor option?


Active Member
Looking just to get a nice indoor plant going, more as a hobby really. Was originally thinking of going all out nut now just want to know the easiest way possible to have a nice indoor plant.

Ive grown outdoors before but never indoors. So im thinking, pop a seed in a pot in some soil get a light?

Suggestions please, im willing to put in a little more effort, nutrients, light etc..



Well-Known Member
Easy? Adequate pot size, soil, and some light.

Nute according to directions.

If you're lazy about the entire process drip irrigation isn't too difficult. Then just fill a reservoir and let gravity do the work.


Active Member
Pretty keen on using a light to speed up the process a little. Think of it more as a very minor introduction to hydro.

So what size light? Certain type of soil? What type of nutrients etc?

Cheers though..


Well-Known Member
Do you plan to start them indoors and take them outdoors later?

I wouldn't say hydro is easier than soil.

Unless you have a for sure female clone I'd suggest 6-12 sprouts. Small containers, like yogurt cups, work really well with a few holes poked into the bottom. The 'V shape' allows nearly effortless transplant. A couple might die. This is just extra insurance. The more you plant the more females you'll get.

Personally, I'd flower them early, look for the earliest chance of females vs males. Terminate the males, and top(then clone the clipping) females(unless you want more seeds). Reveg them for a couple weeks. Then return to 12/12.


Active Member
Strictly indoors, never taking outside.

Hmmm ok didnt plan on starting more than once seed but good idea incase of dirty males. What if i got feminised seeds though, just planted one?

Still no tips on certain type, and strength of light or nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Depends how you plan to grow it.

CFLs/Fluoros can handle pretty much anything with proper hanging and reflectors.

HID is best at higher wattage to maximize efficiency. I wouldn't suggest HID for a single plant.

You want a high in nitrogen fertilizer for veg (a ratio of 3:2:2 to 3:2:1). Flowering you want highest phosphorus (a ratio of 2:3:2 to 1.5:2:1).

With one plant you're flipping a coin with excellency, too. Some seeds just make less than optimal plants(A LOT! sometimes). Not bad, not great. Average! You want average? Didn't think so. With multiple seeds you can clone multiple plants, and after curing/veg, focus on your best mother(perpetual clones).

Give your friends the leftovers. :P


Well-Known Member
there u go again tea...takin my words...but yea i agree with teatree if i was you id definitly run with CFL's also it depends alot on how big u can have it and want it


Well-Known Member
DWC or Aero will yield you a faster grow with a boost in yield, but soil is the easiest. It is the most forgiving if you are not there to attend the system a lot. I can leave for two days solid with my soil grow and not think twice.


Well-Known Member
DWC is a form of water culture. The roots are submerged in liquid and supplied oxygen/air through a pump. The roots are constantly supplied nutrient. Growth can be accelerated as you have complete control over the nutrient environment and in most cases the ligthing.

Aero is similar, but instead of submersion the roots are sprayed, fogged or misted. Same premiss, the solution that the roots contact is controlled for PH and PPM.

Both systems are highly effective, but add a dimension of responsibility on the grower. You have to pay much closer attention to what the plants are telling you as slip ups and problems often can present themselves in a matter of hours instead of days. The "risk" is often worth it as the reward is usually a great harvest. The systems are obviously more finnicky than soil (though soil is far from "problemless"). As an aside, DWC and Aero systems are often more compact, making them good choices for tight spaces. You can grow a very healthy plant with as little as a gallon of space taken up.


Well-Known Member
starting off, you should work with soil so you can understand the technique of growing a little bit more... and also decide on your setup.. are you growing in a cabinet, box, closet, dresser, PC case, etc... then you would be able to decide what bulbs you want.. because the smaller your grow area, many people work with CFL's... the larger the area, they rather HID... looking around will give you ideas and help you understand things a bit more