No one mentioned it, but a LED panel will never penetrate as deeply as a 1000w hps. The biggest thing holding back LED is cost. Daemonn makes a good point about the wattage necessary to match HID. Price out a complete 1000w HPS setup, with top of line bulb and hood, your talking like 450. Now price out 1000w of LED, first of all your talking multiple panels to even achieve that, second of all I'm pretty sure most 250w ish panels are going for 4-500 each. So 2gs vs 450. Now obviously in the long run LED might save on A/C, but certainly will make no difference in humidity situation. The reduced heat is also nice for small spaces. But if your looking to get anything serious off LED, you better be prepared to drop 2g on lights. It's just hard to recommend to someone when 450-550 (with fan) will get you the same coverage and better penetration. And if the wattage matches you HID wattage, your electricity savings they tote are out the window. They do work, but they got probably 10 years or more before they become cost effective, and by then technologies like Sulpur plasma or induction might even make them more obsolete. If your doing a small grow, you need small space, low cooling, and you've got a lot of dough burning in your pocket LED might be right for you.