What is the best on the walls in grow room???


Can someone tell me what is good to have on my walls, does it matter? right now my walls are just white and somebody told me thats bad..


Easiest and best to use is panda film. Mylar is a job and a half to work with and keep clean, panda goes right up with a staple gun and a lil duct tape and is easy to keep clean and has enough weight and durability to survive bumping into and what not. From my own experience... take my word. Good luck!


Active Member
If you want to go cheap go with white paint. If you want to do correctly then go with Mylar. You will get the most out of your lights.
I like white plastic. It lets you see any nasty little critters crawling around better and gives you a nice surgical atmosphere.


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Staff member
Easiest and best to use is panda film. Mylar is a job and a half to work with and keep clean, panda goes right up with a staple gun and a lil duct tape and is easy to keep clean and has enough weight and durability to survive bumping into and what not. From my own experience... take my word. Good luck!
Huh?? - my mylar goes up very easily with a little tab of duct tape under each staple. Cleaning? No prob, just wipe off with a damp cloth if necessary. I even have the floor covered with it and drag pots around on it with no ill effects.
Flat white paint is very effective - just a bit less efficient than the mylar but perhaps not enough to notice. Panda - I have no experience with so will not comment there.