What is my Plant Telling me?


Well-Known Member
I’ve been out of town for 11 days and had a buddy come over and water on my normal schedule. Since I’ve been gone my Blueberry has thrown an absolute fit. There were some signs before I left but now it’s full blown. Been watered at 6.5-6.8 distilled water with no nutes, using Fox Farm Ocean Forrest and Happy frog at 60-20 ratio with 20% perlite. My other plants are as happy as can be so I’m assuming this girl is picky.
- Newer growth seems largely unaffected
-Bottom to middle growth has been hit hard with a good amount of dead leaves.
-All Stems have some reddish/purple stripping, has been getting more so over the past few weeks.
- Zero signs of pests so I’m assuming this is some type of deficiency

Any input is appreciated.


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She is telling you to stay for home fore a while pappa I missed you! Haha all seriousness though sorry to see anyone having problems. I'm sure someone here will help and good luck!
Calcium/CalMag deficiency would be my guess. Early stage. Your ph is a bit low, this results in calcium being less available and then you compounded this by using distilled water with no calcium.

Just a guess though. And distilled water should have a ph of 7.0, sure you don't mean filtered or something?
Calcium/CalMag deficiency would be my guess. Early stage. Your ph is a bit low, this results in calcium being less available and then you compounded this by using distilled water with no calcium.

Just a guess though. And distilled water should have a ph of 7.0, sure you don't mean filtered or something?
That was my guess. I’m already brewing up some ph’d cal-mag for it. It is distilled water but from my understanding the more oxygen the water is exposed to the lower the PH goes so while distilled is 7.0, the older it gets the lower the ph will get . Thanks for you input. I’m gonna pluck off those dead leaves most likely so I can see if it gets worse or better