What is good fertilizer to use?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Which fert you use is going to depend on how you are going to grow it, soil or hydro and which method for soil or hydro. There are so many choices. Lots of info in the GrowFAQ at the top of the pages.

past times

Well-Known Member
in any event, your best bet is finding a hydro shop around you. google it and i am sure you can find one at most a fun little road trip away. They will have all different choices for both soil and hyrdo and generally the person working there will be pretty knowledgeable.


Well-Known Member
i do a basic organic grow, nuthin fancy just try to be as exact and routine as possible, i use bio bizz; biogrow for veg and biobloom for flower. it good stuff and reasonbly priced. i got a litre of each for £10 each. (total maybe $34, i guess)
If this is your very "FIRST" time. I'd suggest what I call my K.I.S.S method.(keep it simple stupid).First remember this is a PLANT a WEED plant(with special properties of course)but still a weed. This is as BASIC as it gets plus it works.1:good potting soil w/o fertilizer 2: worm castings 3: perlite, this is to help drain. What ever size pot you use mix this in 1/3, and water when needed. As you grow post questions, read blogs, and vibe with your plants, in other words spend time in your garden. This ain't rocket science!