What is going on with this bubblicious?

these things just shot right up to the top of my dome (but with puny little stems and leaves)...2 keep falling over so i propped them up with some rockwool. guy at the hydro store says to take the dome off and bring the light as close to them as possible. apparently it had been way too moist inside the dome but if i take it off i feel like they are going to get knocked down so easily by any little breeze of air.

the roots are starting to poke through the bottom of the rockwool so if i transplant would help??

any suggestions? thanks so much!



Well-Known Member
Hey, ok
Simple fix but also remeber u provided no info on lights and temp and RH..
So, that into consideration, make sure your girls are under a low intensity light for now such as a compact florescence or a T8 bulbs. Transplant the girl and rockwool into some sunshine mix number 4 and use the new dirt to help support the girls. I would also use a stick or bamboo (broken down) to help guide the girls (lets hope there girls). And than provide a good additive such as Vitamax or B52 to helps its stress out.

Those are some big bitches to be in a dome, why were they in a dome in the first place?? There seeds. I am assuming your first grow? If so, congrats!
Also, it may be your girls are streching for light, so that why the hydro grow store guy said make it closer.


Active Member
yea i would agree,

get the light closer
remove dome
support with something till the extra light toughens em up

like stiffy suggest seeds dont really need high humidity its only really when cloning you use a dome, and the reason the stems are so lanky is because they are stretching for the light, rember they are seedlings though so not too close but it sure looks like u could have it closer by those pics


Active Member
Same thing happened to me about a month ago. The stems were simply too wet from the humidity dome and couldn't support the weight. They were about 2 feet away from a 400w MH and dried and strengthened back up after only an hour or so.

About the fan...just keep it really low and off them or really far away if you have the room.

I'm a newbie, so take it for what it's worth but;
I say take off humidity dome, control your fan, and move light closer.
hey stiffy, your assumptions are correct... thanks a lot...this is my second grow :) first time i had some white skunk that got overfertilized and wilted away in days (after about 6 weeks of vegetative)... don't want to f this one up too.

about the setup...they are 3 feminized bubbleicious seeds.

to start them out, i put the seeds (from Nirvana) in moist rockwool and inside the dome, under a 13 watt cfl about 10 inches away from the top of the rockwool (just above the dome). been doing this for 24 hours at around 80 degrees for 2 weeks.

"Those are some big bitches to be in a dome, why were they in a dome in the first place?? There seeds."
about the seed germination....are you saying i should have never had the dome on in the first place or that i should never have used rockwool to begin?


Well-Known Member
^The 13 watt CFL, placed 10" away, is your problem, my friend. It's not even close to the intensity needed to prevent stretching. Basically, your plants think they are in the shade, and are stretching like crazy to get more intense light, because what they have now, isn't enough to sustain healthy growth. If you want to fix the problem, transplant them asap, and get them under more light. I wouldn't go with any less than one 23/26 watt CFL placed within 1" of the top of each plant. Also, when you transplant, bury most of that stretched stem under the soil, leaving about 1/2" - 1" above the soil. A plain old T12 shoplight, placed within 1"(as close as possible, as long as heat isn't an issue) will do the trick, if necessary. They actually work pretty well, until the plants start getting much bigger than 6-8", where you'll want to step it up, or go to flowering.
thanks a lot jaw, i don't know why the guy at the grow shop would tell me to go with the 13 watt cfl in the first place. is that just for germinating? and then once they pop you should put them under a 23/26 watt?


Well-Known Member
^I'm not sure why they would tell you that, either. Yes, you could use the 13 watt bulb til the plants break the surface of the soil, but should be replaced with a bigger bulb, right after that. Actually, those in the 25 watt range, are barely sufficient, and should be the minimum. I'd think that they should've told you that, if they really knew what they were talking about.lol Also, the plants should've been removed from the dome, after they germed, so you can bring the lights down where they need to be....about an inch away. With a little airflow, heat won't be a problem, at that distance, unless you step up to bigger bulbs. Then ya have to be a little more careful, but still want the lights as close as possible.

thanks a lot jaw...still saved 2 seeds so i'll try that method once this is done. here is what i have come up with...
new leaves have already formed but they still look like shit haha.
now i have another issue...check out what is going on with the leaves...is this due to the light being too close?


Well-Known Member
Hmm....hard to say what caused the damage, but i can tell you that it's not from the lights being too close. I wasn't exaggerating when I said the light should be an inch from the tops, of the plants. Looks to be 3" or more, in the pics, which is gonna keep them stretching. Aside from that, I'd be focusing on transplanting them asap, and get those long stems buried, so that they are on their way to recovery. As for the damage....my best guess is that it's damage from falling over, touching them, etc....some kind of physical damage. You didn't feed them anything yet, did ya?