what is causing this?


im at day 54 flowering and the leaves started doing this a couple days ago. i changed out the water and gave them new nutrients.

other than these few spots on the leaves they are looking great.


Tha Dope man187

Active Member
what are the temps at? could be too hot for em whats ur thermostat say? and if its not too hot then its probably cuz the lights are too close by the looks of the pictures i think ur using hps am i right?


ya, i moved the light up a couple inches the other day too. so hopefully ive solved my problems. the temp doesnt usually get above 80 in there. got up to 84 a couple days ago though.

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
that shouldnt be bad cuz i thought 90+ was bad so anyway it was probably cuz the lights were a little to close hope that helpd lol didnt really need me n it could also be ur using too much nutes coulda over feed her