What is a wetting agent? what does it do


Active Member
IE: AN wet betty, Humboldt nutrients StickY, or some dish soap... Anyone ever use one of these. What exactly do these products do... something like bind your nutrients together more so than water alone? I considered using a drop or 2 of dish soap in my nutrient solution, but decided not to for fear of killing off beneficial bacteria . . . anyone


Well-Known Member
you want a non-ionic dish soap such as ivory or palmalive for plants, which has many uses but as a wetting agent (surfactant) it either allows things to stick to the plant for prolonged benefit or aids in clearing dry pockets in soil


Active Member
Thanks for the response Riddle. I've read a lot of your posts and absorbed a lot of information. Your always informed and educated and seem very knowledgable. Thanks for the contribution as I too wondered about this subject.

Thanks from a beginner! :)