What if Walter White stumbled upon Mickey Rourke/The Cook in "Spun" instead of Jessie Pinkman?
I think some of the same outcome would happen. They could have gotten a good supply from The Man/Eric Roberts and set up shop in a trailer out in the middle of nowhere. But this time instead of Mickey Rourke blowing himself up, Walt could still make the pure blue glass. Being in LA, they would probably have to deal with the Mexican cartel at some point, but not necessarily through Gustavo. Would Cookie, the Man, or Ross play a role? (perhaps Ross would fill in as Badger) Would the 2 crooked cops actually help Walter and Mickey or get killed/fired somehow? They would probably be able to stumble upon some crooked lawyer in the process as well.
Just a thought... if you don't get what I'm talking about, watch the movie Spun and the TV show Breaking Bad sometime...