What if the cops story is true?


Well-Known Member
I know it wont happen but lets try to limit the discussion to a hypothetical in the Michael Brown shooting.

Lets assume the cops story is true. And therefore,

He came upon a suspect he believed to be involved in a robbery.

The cop attempted to exit his vehicle but the door was slammed shut by Michael Brown.

On the second attempt for the cop to get out of the vehicle, Michael Brown punches the cop in the face, breaking bones around his eye and almost knocking him out.

Then Michael Brown tries to take the cops gun but after a brief struggle where the gun goes off he gives up and runs away from the car.

The cop gets out, gun drawn, orders them to freeze.

Michael Brown taunts the cop and then runs at him as if to tackle him...




Did the cop have the right to shoot an unarmed man and did he have the right to shoot him at least 6 times??

I am interested in finding out how many people on the forum think this was still excessive force by the police.
Not in the nature of cops for their stories to be true that doesn't mean he's in the wrong till the second round. the story doesn't matter in the slightest if it's a multiply shot man that was downed already
I know it wont happen but lets try to limit the discussion to a hypothetical in the Michael Brown shooting.

Lets assume the cops story is true. And therefore,

He came upon a suspect he believed to be involved in a robbery.

The cop attempted to exit his vehicle but the door was slammed shut by Michael Brown.

On the second attempt for the cop to get out of the vehicle, Michael Brown punches the cop in the face, breaking bones around his eye and almost knocking him out.

Then Michael Brown tries to take the cops gun but after a brief struggle where the gun goes off he gives up and runs away from the car.

The cop gets out, gun drawn, orders them to freeze.

Michael Brown taunts the cop and then runs at him as if to tackle him...




Did the cop have the right to shoot an unarmed man and did he have the right to shoot him at least 6 times??

I am interested in finding out how many people on the forum think this was still excessive force by the police.

Cops can't hit much because they rarely practice with their firearms, which is why they must carry high capacity pistols so that they increase the chance of a hit after 15 or so shots have been fired.
Watched em watched em use fucking department credit cards to buy ammo when I was fucking working over at the fucking burro canyon shooting store
I don't think the cop is telling the truth..wow wait we have not even heard what the cop have said as of yet...Only Josie

Londonfog, I made a thread that started by saying if the cop shot the kid while he was surrendering or running away unarmed he should go on trial for murder.

So, in the 14 other threads, please feel free to post whatever you want, and even in this thread.

HOWEVER.... What I am trying to do here is get past that point and see if you think the shooting could have possibly been justified if the cops story was true.

I am willing to bet that at least some people here would say that the shooting was still unjustified and I want to see if I am right.
I know it wont happen but lets try to limit the discussion to a hypothetical in the Michael Brown shooting.

Lets assume the cops story is true. And therefore,

He came upon a suspect he believed to be involved in a robbery.

The cop attempted to exit his vehicle but the door was slammed shut by Michael Brown.

On the second attempt for the cop to get out of the vehicle, Michael Brown punches the cop in the face, breaking bones around his eye and almost knocking him out.

Then Michael Brown tries to take the cops gun but after a brief struggle where the gun goes off he gives up and runs away from the car.

The cop gets out, gun drawn, orders them to freeze.

Michael Brown taunts the cop and then runs at him as if to tackle him...




Did the cop have the right to shoot an unarmed man and did he have the right to shoot him at least 6 times??

I am interested in finding out how many people on the forum think this was still excessive force by the police.

I don't live in the US but if it went down that way I still think there has to be questions asked about why he couldn't incapacitate the guy, would his training not have prepared him for such incidents especially with unarmed people, surely someone charging you would be standard police academy fayre.
I'm not a fan of cops of any country especially my own but they are not all bad and are necessary so he should be treated fairly but so should the deceased, hopefully for all concerned the truth will eventually come out.
It's always cops everywhere at the fucking shooting range as far as I've seen homes

His point is not that cops dont go to the shooting range or some cops are not into guns. His point is that MOST cops do not practice much and do so just to qualify.

Yes, there are a thousand exceptions but most people in and out of law enforcement dont shoot much including myself.
His point is not that cops dont go to the shooting range or some cops are not into guns. His point is that MOST cops do not practice much and do so just to qualify.

Yes, there are a thousand exceptions but most people in and out of law enforcement dont shoot much including myself.
Where do you work out of what's your gig
I don't live in the US but if it went down that way I still think there has to be questions asked about why he couldn't incapacitate the guy, would his training not have prepared him for such incidents especially with unarmed people, surely someone charging you would be standard police academy fayre.
I'm not a fan of cops of any country especially my own but they are not all bad and are necessary so he should be treated fairly but so should the deceased, hopefully for all concerned the truth will eventually come out.

Michael Brown was 6' 4" tall and weighed between 250 an 270# Which puts him around the size of a professional football player. Taking a look at the cop he would not top out past 190 soaking wet and was not likely even 6' tall.

Given the fact that the first punch had broken the cops eye socket, do you really think he should have tried to incapacitate Michael Brown?
Because I'm a begger and I get a shit load of range time

I'll be at blackpowders that's typically actually what cops like "hobby" shooters like me
That's kind of an interesting point there's really no way of knowing what should've been done in a situation like that we weren't there Getting socked in the head
Niether was the court and neither was a jury and neither was anyone trying to fucking argue any side whatsoever. Except that cop