what if roots touched

i was wondering what would happen if for what ever reason i had two plants in one pot and for what ever reason the roots grow into each other.... exactly what would happen


Active Member
I did that once!

It's called a Piranha plant.

What'll really happen is you'll have two plants fighting for nutrients and neither one will fully reach it's potential.


well very rarley in nature they have been seen to graft toghter but most likely the well sence that another plant is competing for food and water and they well try to crowed each other out and only one plant will be left standing ...thats why you see crop spacing on the back of any seed packet tells you how far apart to plant each plant so that they wont crowed each other out or make them both smaller ...


Well-Known Member
basically they will take up the space they can, and there is a possibility one will kill the other off, havent actually seen this happen, but yeah they compete for nutrients
hahaha funny pic... im guessing thats the mj, but would they kinda die off, lose potency, or would it just stunt its growth


Well-Known Member
had 2 bagseed in a 5 gallon pot outdoor, both grew around 3feet from the top of the soil. the plants turned completely dark purple but otherwise were healthy throuought the whole process.