What if it's warmer at night?

Ok, here's another one for you:

I live in the tropics and have a AC unit to keep temps within reason.

I'm still vegging my first crop, but when I flower I'm thinking about running the lights and AC during the day, and just the vent fans at night- the temperature will be warmer outside than the AC until 2 am or so, or even all night sometimes.

I would do this to save power by having the AC off for 12 hours, but also to be able to have overnight company without having to answer questions about hearing AC in a house with no AC.

I've read that nodes will be closer together with night temps close to day temps, but what happens if it's actually warmer?

Also it would be more humid...


Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Im in a similar situation. However, I mist with cold water everynight before lights go off. My temps usually raise to 90F at night and stay around 80-85F during the day. I've never encountered any real problems due to this.

Brick Top

New Member
Im in a similar situation. However, I mist with cold water everynight before lights go off. My temps usually raise to 90F at night and stay around 80-85F during the day. I've never encountered any real problems due to this.

Misting plants at night is not a very good idea. Wet leaves/branches/stems increases the chance for mold and other plant problems.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Very true Brick, however, I live in an extremely humid environment and I have never had an issue with mold....not yet anyway...go figure. I keep 2 air purifiers in my grow room as well.