What if I put the plant 2 days in dark?


I have a plants 1 mounth old. I growing them on my balcony.
But I must to hide them 2-3 days in a month.
Is there will be a serious problem if I put them in dark for those days, or?
Pleese tell me faster.


Active Member
It may not die. It may die i dont know i have never tried it but it will certainly not be good for it. Depends what stage of growth your at i suppose but either way im guessing it will reduce yield and overall quality.


Active Member
When your plant is in the dark it can't photosynthisize,it needs light,water,and co2,so without light it's going to be greatly demoralized. Switching up the light hours a lot with weaker growing conditions causes hermies sometimes, I wouldn't say your plant will die or become a hermie but your not going to be helping your plant. I would say keep it in the light somewhere on the same light hours but if you can't,do what you gotta do,hope this helped. Oregon The Chronic State.