What I need to do ????


What do I need to yield 2lbs every 2 months???

-Any ideas in terms of lights or setups whatever ???

just a general idea???


Well-Known Member
grow a lot of weed, lol. lots of lights, big area, many plants. have plants in different stages.. like clone every 2 weeks... have a crop rotation


Active Member
probably two 1000w lamps for flowering and a 400w mh for veg, one big fan and one smaller one, you'll also need all kinds of stuff like medium, seeds or cuttings, mylar etc....you should be able to stay under 2500$ for everything except electricity, time invested (which will be loads!) and incidentals.

Even with all this stuff it could be hard to pull off that kind of harvest until you've gotten the hang of it unless you're really good.
get 8 sets of 10 plants and rotate them two weeks
start from clones in a humidity dome move to aeroponic sys. wit a dwc safety net
150-250 watts per plant so you'll need about 25 1000 watt light fixtures of your choice (maybe some light movers)