What happens if Colorado and Washington legalize cannabis?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I hate that I have to agree with you but I don't see it happening either.
According to polls, Washington's initiative looks like a sure thing to pass. Colorado's initiative is leading but the lead is narrowing. I am looking forward to the showdown between the feds and the states on this.


Well-Known Member
I hold out hope one of them will. It will be interesting to see the legal battle with the feds go from there. Could be a turning point.

Probably won't be, but god damn it, I need some positive thinking once in awhile.


Active Member
Why don't you guys see it happening. The balance is shifting... the general public is statistically favoring pot legalization. If not now, eventually somewhere, sometime... why not now?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
the repubs have become more strident in their efforts to downgrade cannabis users and marijuana as a medicine. the dems were the same way and i'd be willing to bet that about 50%+ of them(republicans especially indoctrinated) still cling to the old 'War On Drugs' mentality despite its obvious failure economically, Socially and historically.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
According to polls, Washington's initiative looks like a sure thing to pass. Colorado's initiative is leading but the lead is narrowing. I am looking forward to the showdown between the feds and the states on this.
don't you lie to me desert dude lol! this is serious business


Well-Known Member
the repubs have become more strident in their efforts to downgrade cannabis users and marijuana as a medicine. the republicans were the same way and i'd be willing to bet that about 50%+ of them(republicans especially indoctrinated) still cling to the old 'War On Drugs' mentality despite its obvious failure economically, Socially and historically.
disenfranchised likely democrat voters

What do you mean the drug war is a failure?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
disenfranchised likely democrat voters

What do you mean the drug war is a failure?
well dems and repubs support the drug war, in that effect the dems have been a failure since the population agrees in a majority that cannabis use should be legalized. the republicans etch ever closer to the cliff when it comes to drugs and or any outside instigators of free thinking, like science, skeptical thought, scares me so many libertarians go republican since the party is basically a doppleganger.its almost like there is some opposite force opposing the dems, except doing it completely half assed and in the wrong direction.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Philosophically, ending the war on drugs ought to be a conservative's default position. I realize that the GOP has the iron hand of social conservatives on its throat, so any Republican who dares to question the WOD will be vilified, but I think a majority of the GOP probably secretly harbors legalization thoughts. Maybe all that is needed is for a state to puncture the skin of stupidity of the WOD to drain that blister. That, at least, is my little Sunday night fantasy.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Philosophically, ending the war on drugs ought to be a conservative's default position. I realize that the GOP has the iron hand of social conservatives on its throat, so any Republican who dares to question the WOD will be vilified, but I think a majority of the GOP probably secretly harbors legalization thoughts. Maybe all that is needed is for a state to puncture the skin of stupidity of the WOD to drain that blister. That, at least, is my little Sunday night fantasy.
why is it that republicans are held to a higher standard? the dems have been on the defensive, merely peering at the republicans for guidance, because i suppose they have no original opinion on the subject? the war continues under obama, hell he even appointed new drug czars and i expect it to grow under mitt romney should he be elected(hope not).


Well-Known Member
Philosophically, ending the war on drugs ought to be a conservative's default position. I realize that the GOP has the iron hand of social conservatives on its throat, so any Republican who dares to question the WOD will be vilified, but I think a majority of the GOP probably secretly harbors legalization thoughts. Maybe all that is needed is for a state to puncture the skin of stupidity of the WOD to drain that blister. That, at least, is my little Sunday night fantasy.
Romney and Ryan support the war on drugs
Ryan is rated a -10 by NORML

desert dude

Well-Known Member
why is it that republicans are held to a higher standard? the dems have been on the defensive, merely peering at the republicans for guidance, because i suppose they have no original opinion on the subject? the war continues under obama, hell he even appointed new drug czars and i expect it to grow under mitt romney should he be elected(hope not).
Well, the Dems pay lip service to civil liberties but they are just as bad as the Republicans in terms of actions.

That's why I am voting for Gary Johnson. If you hate Libertarian thinking then vote for Jill Stein.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Well, the Dems pay lip service to civil liberties but they are just as bad as the Republicans in terms of actions.

That's why I am voting for Gary Johnson. If you hate Libertarian thinking then vote for Jill Stein.
you think libertarianism is squelched under somebody in the green party?