what happened?


My plants were doing great, then yesterday I put this bag of Exhale Co2 stuff in the tent and now my plants look like they're dying! The temperature also got higher than normal, but I got it down to around 84 at the moment. Had to buy a humidifier at one point, might just get another one too. RH stays around 40%. The plants look like they're underwatered, but could this be something else as well? I dunno how this Co2 thing works...



When it's night time for the plants, the big exhaust fan and humidifier go off too and I just leave a small fan on inside to blow on them. There are vents on the sides of the tent. Maybe with the Co2 I need to leave the exhaust fan on all the time? What do you guys think? Can there be too much Co2 in a tent?


Well-Known Member
It looks like it has more to do with the heat being "higher than normal", not the bag of co2. 84 is already at the high end of what plants will take. If you are using an exhaust fan then there is no point in attempting to supplement the co2 in the first place as, it is just going to get blasted out the exhaust. Most supplemented co2 grows are sealed rooms.


I kinda figured, but I have a small fan blowing directly on the plants. I put the bag so that it blows the Co2 onto them, but yeah, still wasteful I guess. Probably the best thing to do is put the bag in when the exhaust and lights aren't on, so they can get it when they're asleep.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
While there is no harm in trying everything at your disposal to improve things, you state that your plants were looking great before you added this CO2 additive. Well, actually they don't look that bad now, they certainly don't look as if they are ' dying ' so its my bet that whatever has gone wrong isn't major, if anything they look a little like mines do soon after watering, they droop a bit then perk up quickly. so--remove your CO2 bag for a while and see if your plants perk up, if they don't, then its not the CO2 bag, whatever that is. keep on going the way you have been, to be fair, it looks like a good job and you have a minor glitch---good luck


Thanks man! Yeah, they were just under watered pretty badly. I read some more, since they're in small pots (1 gallon) I need to water more often than normal.