What grinder has the finest micron screens?


Active Member
Wasn’t sure where to post this, kind of doubt I’ll get a response, but I was wondering if anyone could recommend the best grinder for collecting the finest kief. Typical grinders on the market are 100+ micron. I’m looking for something with the lowest micron. I grow all my own fire and my grinder fills with keif quick. Just looking to enjoy some higher quality gold dust!
Wasn’t sure where to post this, kind of doubt I’ll get a response, but I was wondering if anyone could recommend the best grinder for collecting the finest kief. Typical grinders on the market are 100+ micron. I’m looking for something with the lowest micron. I grow all my own fire and my grinder fills with keif quick. Just looking to enjoy some higher quality gold dust!
I would look at Kannastör grinders (some models have multiple screen options) or one with a replaceable screen, and then you can choose the exact mesh you like and pop it in, that would probably be the better options if your looking for something specific.
I personally use a SantaCruz shredder and have beer very impressed with the kief quality
50 micron what grinder do you have ?
Phoenician. One of the older ones. Was a gift, I couldn't see myself spending 60 bucks for a grinder otherwise. It can hardly handle a 1/16th lol.

I feel like for something so fine of a screen, your bud would have to be on the dryer side of cured to work.