What Fert. to Use?

I've got a couple Strawberry Haze plants coming up and I wanted to get some sick nasty fat buds!!! Anyone know a good fert. for this strain?


Active Member
you clearly do not understand plant bio.
nute's dont make buds, leaves do
get Miracle Grow 24-8-16 and some Dolomite lime.
for bloom start with 20-20-20 (and more dolomite lime)


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't use those nutrients ever. we go all organic like Blue Mountain Organics, or at least use fox farm or something decent. MG is the cheapest and probably the harshest stuff you can use.

lighting is what helps your buds grow tight, along with good soil and the right balance of nutrients...not too much and not too little...but just right. keep the heat down and the humidity right. its a process and technique, not a race or to see who can do whatever.


Well-Known Member
how about a small 100 buck a/c unit for walmart. or, keep the fans going and open the door all the way or some. you need to have proper exchange of the air for them to grow well and the temps no higher than like 80-83 which is ideal and no lights at around 65-70.