At work I have a Sony A/V receiver, Sony CD changer, a pair of KLM speakers, as well as single RCA, Panasonic and Optimus speakers. Most of the time I play music off YouTube through my laptop, but I also have DVD and MP3 players hooked into the system.
At home I have a Sony receiver, (I think I took the CD player to the river house, but I have tons of thrift store equipment to replace it). The 5 speakers are a small set of Pioneer. Like at work, I listen to You Tube through my PC, but I also have DVD and cassette player hooked up.
At the river house I have a JBL receiver, can't remember brand of CD player, a pair of small indoor outdoor KLM speakers and a larger pair that I can't remember the brand. The big speakers are bottoming out at high volume, so I need to dig in my stereo shed and see if I can find a better pair. (I also have a surround sound amp coupled with a tuner and dvd player for outside tunes)
On the trail my mp3 players are an 8 gig and a 16 gig AGPTEK. Both with additional 64 gig micosdcard. I use the dollar ear buds. They last just as long in the rain as the high priced ones. Not sure of the brand of the speaker, but it was 20 bucks at Walmart. About 3-4 ounces, so it doesn't go on long hikes.