What do you think?

OG Wizard

Hey Guys,
This is my first grow project, I've been around pot for a couple of years now and I wanted to experiment with growing my own stuff. I have two plants right now, one of them is 23 days old and the other is 19 days old ( this is the time after germination).
The older one is an exotic strain of some sort but I dont know what it is exactly, this one stands roughly 7 inches tall with 3 sets of pot leaves. Both are getting 24 hours of light from an indoor plant growing light blulb. I have 2 lamps set up each plant having its own light source. the two wattages of the bulbs are 50 watt and 75 watt. It seems to be working so far. I know people are saying to use CFL bulbs? or other types but im kinda broke and its my first grow. so it is what it is.

The second plant is a green monster strain and is 19 days old, it stands about the same height as the other one with one exception it only has two sets of pot leaves so far, ( the distance between the leaves on this plant are further apart, leading me to believe that this plant will overall be the bigger plant of the two. this plant is also getting 24 hours of light. I water the plants twice a day with a spray bottle. I let the water sit out before i use it to get rid of any chemicals that the city puts in the drinking water. but as of right now i was thinking that i would let these plants veg for another 2 weeks then start the flowering process. what do you guys think? am i on the right track? any help would be greatly appreciated. im gonna try to post pictures, thanks doods peace


Well-Known Member
wow, those are stretched!!!!!!! If it "is what it is" then my advice isn't going to matter. Get the right kind of light, and put it a few inches over the tops of them. At 3 weeks old, they are really not growing for you. Post your pics, of your grow, as I can't say I've seen a grow journal using 125 watts of incandescent lighting. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Hi OG Wizard. I'm not seeing any pics of your 2nd plant.

Regarding the first plant: It is way too stretched, which leads me to believe that perhaps your lights are too far away? Keep an eye on it because it has the potential to fall over. About watering: Don't spray your plants. Just water the soil. Let the soil dry out between waterings - this should take a few days judging by the size of your pot.

You should have more light in there, but you know that. Those little leaves at the bottom normally turn yellow earlier on. Best of luck!

OG Wizard

Thanks for your advice guys, I moved the lights to 2 inches above the top leaves and I can change the lights just tell me a cheap alternative to what I have, I Just kinda didnt know what to use but if someone knows please let me know and like where I can get them. thanks and I really really appreciate it.
Capecodkid your plants look so different from mine. I really need to do what your doing.


Active Member
Thanks for your advice guys, I moved the lights to 2 inches above the top leaves and I can change the lights just tell me a cheap alternative to what I have, I Just kinda didnt know what to use but if someone knows please let me know and like where I can get them. thanks and I really really appreciate it.
Capecodkid your plants look so different from mine. I really need to do what your doing.
i am useing a 400wat mh/hps. with hid comes heat so you will need some sort of in line fan wich aint going to be cheap but it will give you better end results. i suggest one of these http://www.nehydro.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=38_83&products_id=672&zenid=649b1b1787b8124a66997e60caf15224
its a floro and they dont produce so much heat. good luck


Active Member
go to lowes or homedepot and pick up either spiral cfls or tube cfls, make sure you get 6500k color temp for vegetation and 2700k for flowering.

OG Wizard

hey guys I put the plants closer and when i woke up this morning the green monster top leaves turned yellow and are brittle to the touch. How fucked is my plant. Ill post pictures in a few minutes, thanks and im going to get some 30w Cfl bulbs, equivalent to 115 watts per plant. thanks for your help so far, im just trying my best.

OG Wizard

Hey Guys, so the leaves havent changed back to green, is it better to break off the yellow crusty part of the leaves to try and promote new growth or is it better to leave it be?

on another note though, I RE-vamped my grow closet, it now has two 27w CFL bulbs at 3500. i transplanted the plants into 5 gal buckets with drainage holes. and i got a timer so now the lighting is on a 18/6 schedule. both of the plants little seedling leaves are falling off. is it time for nutrients, if so ive been trying to find stuff that works good but im completely lost on the chemistry behind it. can someone help me? thx
It also appears that one of the sun leaves are turning on you, that could be from watering the plant which the light will cause heat stress on the leaves. I believe they should be a growing faster than that. Are you giving them any darkness? Also, what are the nutes you are using?