what do you think i should expect guys


Active Member
right guys quick guessing game , i have some experience with growing and i have a small grow going on now ,
I have 16 plants 10x bigbud 6x red hair all females and currently on 18hour light with 3 x 600w lights
growing in coca with clay pebeles , feeding them with coca a+b ph is 5.8
and all is looking well , ill take some photos when my lights come on and have been on a few hours ,

anyway what do you think i will get from these little babys ?


New Member
PH of 5.8 is just about ideal in a hydro set up.

My guess is you'll end up with 32 ounces of nice bud ... dried.



Uses the Rollitup profile
I use 3 of those lamps over an area that is 9x4, with 24 plants, and I pull 40-50 ounces. :blsmoke: