What do you think? 4 weeks in bloom LOTS OF PICS

Update on my first grow from bagseed-
Going swimmingly.

These girls have had their fair share of problems thru their lives (and probably still do). As one could probably expect, from any under-eduated and impatient grower. So now that I'm educated, Im clearly not expecting anything from these girls other than good mids, at best.

So here it is -
:joint: bag seed
:joint: vegged 2 months under 250w (actual) CFL.
:joint: orig. potted in MGOrganic and then transplanted to a mix of MGO and Black Gold organic with perlite added.
:joint: feeding gen. hydroponics by nute sched. on box.
:joint: currently week 4 of 12/12 - replaced all white CFL with warm and added 150w HPS.

Between my dealer and I, we figured out the seeds I'd found came from Jack The Ripper and Bubba Kush.
Been doing crazy amounts google searches trying to get SOME kind of an idea on which plant is which, and I WAAAAAAAAAAAANT to say, there is one of each...well two of one, since I knew it was female first, so I SUCCESSFULLY cloned it...which i found to be crazy in itself. But Im finding it next to impossible to figure out (ahhh. the joys of unlabeled bagseed). Especially since the two were planted in the same pot (uneducated), I dont know if one is so small because of genetics or because the larger one is getting the bulk of the nutes/water.

So here they are. Let me know what you all think. Any input is appreciated:) Thanks guys!!

This picture is them as children. The plant on the far left turned out to be a male, so we nixed him asap. (Luckily as a n00b, I checked on them every 12 minutes trying to sex them).
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This picture was probably a week before the switch to 12/12.
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Interestingly enough, the smaller of the two started to pop pistils like she was getting paid, WAY before the larger showed ANY distinguishable pre-flowers.
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This is them as of about 30min. ago :)

this is the clone from the smaller female -

This is the smaller mamma. Within the last few days she's started showing those copper/brown spots on her uppermost fan leaves....any ideas??

The big mamma.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
Looks good!! looks like there is a bit of ph issues but they look yummy!! Check out this thread https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 There is tons of info there and lets you know where those yellow/brown spots are coming from. If you correct the issue, im sure the buds will get alot bigger!! My guess is the ph is a bit low probably around 6 and needs to be brought up. GH nutes always end up bringing you soil down to a ph of or at around 6. good luck