what do you reckon my yield would be?


Im not expecting a complete accurate answer obviously, but this is my first grow so I cant really estimate well. I don't want to weigh it now because its wet and all the stalks are still there so I was just wondering, for those experienced out there, what do you reckon the dry weight will be here, I'm hoping for at least 3 ounces but if its not its fine.



Well-Known Member
Could always go (wet weight * .25) and (wet weight * .2) and it should give you a decent baseline with which to work for yield. Thank you for showing us pics of it before asking, and not showing us a plant 2 weeks into veg.


Well-Known Member
That look like anywhere from 50 to 90 grams, depending on how the herbs retain their weight. I would call it ~2 ounces, chopped and dried.