What do you guys think about root pruning in DWC?


Active Member
Hi Bubbleheads..

The title says it all; what are your thoughts on root pruning in DWC?

What are the Pros and Cons?


Active Member
Does anyone do it? .. I've never heard of a reason unless maybe your roots are rotting or something


Elite Rolling Society
I 've removed 50% of a plant 7 weeks old and it was OK.

I've completed 7 grows with seeds that were not feminized, consequently having to remove the males. And so far, EVERY grow gave me half males and half females. I was worrried and sweating it the first time but a dozen experienced growers here told me to whack it, so I did. I can easily and saflety remove a male by taking 100% of the male roots and up to half the female roots and the female will slow down for no more than one day, every time.

Every Spring, I go to Lowes, and buy a small 6 inch pot with three plants in it, root bound as can be, the cup just full of roots. Half of America does it. To separate the 3 plants, I tear up half the roots, set the plants out and they grow and thrive the next day, just fine.