What do people know about the 48/72 hour last days of darkness before harvest day

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Not sure my man. I heard that keeping them in the dark stresses them out causing them to put out more resin glands., but does that increase potency or just make more resin? This I do know, all herbs and flowers are at their most fragrant and medicinally active just before the sun comes up and so that's when they are harvested. I personally don't deprive my plants of light for days. I just unplug my light timer the night before so the sun doesn't come on in the "morning".My buds are very potent and fragrant.
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Thanks for the replys my fellow comrades I suppose it can't do any harm I will certainly try the 24 hours at least 72 seems abit too much I will let you know how it gets on


Well-Known Member
Giving a plant 72hrs of dark, and packing the pot with ice, or a very chilled rez will increase your bag appeal to the next level....the cold also allows any colors to express themselves to a degree....as far as personal stash growing, its about as useless as hollywood trimming your weed...I've done it with success for over 10 years now, and there is a marked difference between not doing and doing, but its purely visual...it is a good way to impress your friends too if they don't grow..."legalize has that sticky icky!" :)
Very sound advice there phatlewtz I'm defo going to let it have a go I can't see any harm from doing so I'm very interested in the packing with ice too and yes can't wait to sample my darlings

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
let it sit for 3 days with out watering will dry it . and make it a total bitch to trim . other then that there is no difference . i have done it power outage 3 days here so i just decided to harvest it was perfect timing at least . but no there was no difference at all .


Well-Known Member
My first ever time too and never enjoyed this half as much as I thought it's truly an amazing experience and can't wait for number 2 lol and I couldn't have done it without help of advanced growers like yourself phatlewtz respect man thanks
Not me sir, all my answers are based in pure conjecture and speculation of things I may or may not have witnessed while growing my own which could have or couldn't have taken place in areas I should or shouldn't be in...;)


Well-Known Member
This was started by a hoax that happened several years ago, here is the report that was spread around ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"The Stichting Institute of Medical marijuana (SIMM), the first company to sell marijuana through the pharmacies of Holland, has been investigating the medical possibilities of cannabis, together with TNO laboratories and the University of Leiden.

One of their discoveries has been that to keep the ripe plants in the dark before harvesting could increase their potency.SIMM’s growers separated a crop of mature plants, harvested half of them and kept the other half in absolute darkness for
72 hours before cutting and drying. Analysis of the resulting dried buds showed that some varieties had seen an increase of THC of up to 30%, while CBD and CBN remained the same."

Now if you go to their website to find this (like I did) you will discover it does not exist and that there is no reference to it. If you take key words from the report and google them you will see it only shows up in MJ forums


Well-Known Member
Light degrades THC. The optimal time to cut down a plant is right before lights come on. It doesnt need to be 3 days or 2 days, just cut before light turns on.


Well-Known Member
Light degrades THC. The optimal time to cut down a plant is right before lights come on. It doesnt need to be 3 days or 2 days, just cut before light turns on.
There is no potency loss in days, all that keep en in the dark, light degrades thc crap is nonsense. Mythical forum bro science!!! I've done the test (every one should) I took a fresh bud with a 10 day cure and had it tested, THC was 25%, I then left that bud set out in the open on my coffee table for a month and tested it again, THC was 22%


Well-Known Member
There is no potency loss in days, all that keep en in the dark, light degrades thc crap is nonsense. Mythical forum bro science!!! I've done the test (every one should) I took a fresh bud with a 10 day cure and had it tested, THC was 25%, I then left that bud set out in the open on my coffee table for a month and tested it again, THC was 22%

You are comparing leaving a bud out on a coffee table for a month in same way to 3 days of darkness BEFORE cutting?

Take a picture of those test results.
I certainly believe you left a bud out on your coffee table for a month then paid to have it tested.....