what do i do about this !!!! ( . )( . )


Active Member
i posted the same thread but probly in the wrong group
some one help i dono what to do
first grow.

the leaf pics
i sniped some of so some one can help
only a few are like this tho

im growing out side


Well-Known Member
Have you been giving the plants any nutrients? Are you watering manually? What kind of water - tap, distilled, reverse-osmosis, rain water? I'm not a good one to diagnose what's wrong but I anticipate others asking you similar questions as I've done.

Wild guess on my part - they need nitrogen; double-check me, and read others' responses.


Active Member
yeh its winter and its been raining alot in the last few weeks whats probly flushed out all the nutrients iv given it
i gave it some today cos i transplanted it the other day
but it rained again so its probly flushed again


i hope it will be fine its going to stop raining soon and i want it healthy so it can grow huge