What do I do about mold?!?!


Active Member
This is my second time growing, first time just did two plants outdoors, turned out ok. This season i decided to not mess around and go a little bigger and pay more attention to my babies. Got 5 plants, everythings been going smooth up till a few days ago. I noticed some mold on one of my buds and im close to harvesting by the end of this month. I researched alittle but mostly only found that you should tear out the whole plant so that it doesnt spread. Is there anything else i can do to salvage the plant or treat mold cause just a small bud has some on it. any advice welcome!!!
please help fellow stoners!!!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i had a small mold case starting on my girls last week, i searched around and I found a suggestion of one tablespoon of baking soda per gallon of water, foliar spray. I did this yesterday but i couldn't tell you if it has worked or not yet. The article said 2-10 days before you were able to tell.


Well-Known Member
same thing happened to me only at the 7th week of flowering, so i just chopped my 2 plants down...but u are a bit earlier than me...my advice would be to make your growing environment as dry as possible including, water lightly too..and probably remove any of the infested buds...any pics?
this is my moldy bud



Well-Known Member
if your bud is rotting take out infected areas
i dont know what you would spray i spray nothing
that bud rot spread fast,so do it asap.
do not touch or sqeezes yor bud


Active Member
Thanx everyone for the helpful info. I cut all the mold off yesterday sorry no pics had to get rid of that shit fast. only had to sacrifice about 5g of bud. cleared out a tree so there getting more light so hopefully that will do the trick.