What difficiency?


Well-Known Member
Show your plant not just one leaf.

You'll get more of a diagnoses and a lot more answers.

That being said looks like nute burn to me.



Hey thanks for your reply. I did recently do a nute change so that is a possibility. Here is a picture of the entire plant. I believe the strain is white widow and will be the last run I have of it because my other strains critical skunk and mass are much more forgiving.



Well-Known Member
Yeah you burnt her with nutes. Its ok, what do you use? soil/hydro what nutes etc...

Either wawy flush it and low dose nutes....what did u give her last feed?


EDIT: what kind of lighting mate? how close is it, air cooled etc?


2 gallons of water 3tsp big bloom 2tsp grow big .5 microbe brew .25 beastie blooms each gallon in Hydroponics. I flushed with ph water immediately upon noticing the deficiency. It's been in ph water for a couple of days now. I will add back nutes at half strength. The two other plants got the same dose of nutrients and are fine...must be this strain. Hps 600 watt about 2 ft away. As far as I could get it away from the plants because of heat issues I felt with last grow. Now the temps sit around 80 with the occasional spike...still adjusting.