The year was 1974 .....I remember it like it was 39 years ago give or take. I never got caught it was always assumed because of the company I kept. The only 2 long hairs in our community were my best friends and we all took a jump off the high dive together it was one of the best times of my life the weed was plentyful and cheap godbless the 70's..... oh yeah those two hippies are still my best friends it's kind of hard to tell us apart now we all have old men haircuts. The only difference is we are all covered in tatoos now. We are husbands,fathers and grandfathers what a freaking life
When I was living with my parents before they knew i smoked, we had an amazing little shed, insulated, heating, outlets lights- the works. During the winter it was too cold to smoke on my back deck and without the patio furniture there was no where to sit with my bong, so of course i'd sneak into the shed, smoke, and once my buddies left i'd febreze the shit out of it. Eventually the fastly disappearing febreze raised alarm and they vastly cut own on buying them. Soon they could smell light weed in the air of the shed, until one day i was sitting directly infront of the shed door, just about to clear my popper when my mother walked in, my faced dropped as the cloud of smoke wafted towards her.... she just sat down, took out her smoke and acted like nothing happened. Weeks after that she tried her first two poppers, like a champ might i add. She made me promise never to tell anyone what she'd done, . To this day when I go over she still hits a joint or p in the same shed. :]
wow dude lol, how old r u? growing in 8th grade? man your awesome!!!

lol i'm turning 19 on the 28th of this month but I guess I did start early. When you find a seed in something that gets you high why not grow it? Besides I knew what I grew would be better than the mexican brick weed I was getting at the time haha.
When I was living with my parents before they knew i smoked, we had an amazing little shed, insulated, heating, outlets lights- the works. During the winter it was too cold to smoke on my back deck and without the patio furniture there was no where to sit with my bong, so of course i'd sneak into the shed, smoke, and once my buddies left i'd febreze the shit out of it. Eventually the fastly disappearing febreze raised alarm and they vastly cut own on buying them. Soon they could smell light weed in the air of the shed, until one day i was sitting directly infront of the shed door, just about to clear my popper when my mother walked in, my faced dropped as the cloud of smoke wafted towards her.... she just sat down, took out her smoke and acted like nothing happened. Weeks after that she tried her first two poppers, like a champ might i add. She made me promise never to tell anyone what she'd done, . To this day when I go over she still hits a joint or p in the same shed. :]
The kid diagonally opposed from my house smokes in his mother's shed. He and his buddies get together in there after school while she's at work and they get high. I wonder if he knows she get's high in there when he's at school.
Shrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooms, I love shrooms!

Shit I love everything God put on this earth. Fuck all that powder and other shit.

M D M A Giggles. Don't knock it till you try it! Substances like that are why you're on Earth my bro! Had I gone a lifetime without trying it I'd feel upset for missing out!

M D M A Giggles. Don't knock it till you try it! Substances like that are why you're on Earth my bro! Had I gone a lifetime without trying it I'd feel upset for missing out!

I'm not knocking it. I've done it all bro, I'm a hard core addict. Been in and out of treatment over 8 times, that's just in patient not including out patient treatments. I just OD 3 times off the crystal and ever since then I only care for boomers and cannabis and opium from time to time.

I use to do molly all the time lol. You name the drug I've prob fucked with it. Been an addict for 16yrs now.
I'm not knocking it. I've done it all bro, I'm a hard core addict. Been in and out of treatment over 8 times, that's just in patient not including out patient treatments. I just OD 3 times off the crystal and ever since then I only care for boomers and cannabis and opium from time to time.

I use to do molly all the time lol. You name the drug I've prob fucked with it. Been an addict for 16yrs now.

Tough life, man, wish you well on your ongoing recovery!
You ever find yourself having cravings? If so, how do you deal with it?

Use to have them all the time, but as time went on they got less and less. I still have them from time to time when I see something that reminds me of it. I just keep telling myself it's not worth losing everything I've worked so hard for.

I've come a long ways in 3 years and I'm not really looking to through it away.

sorry is I'm rambling but I'm just starting to trip lol