What did I miss?

Tell me something new??? I quit growing weed, realizing I'll never be as good as you. Or law changes and fear of jail made me do it.

Did Finshaggy end up with a ton of bitcoin and buy RIU WEBSITE? Haven't seen him in a bit. Think he got Craigslist killed on a couch.

Who's the Best Fire maker Around here now? New school There's a few. Was Bob zmuda here then? He got that sticky icky

Who's the worst? All Schools Probably me

Who misses me? Me.

Who hates me? Many are jealous of your skill.

Where can I stick this ??? In your penis hole.

See you in 2020. Sounds about right. Chewy2020!

Chewy. Neo
The sock wars have abated for the time being. It was intense for a while.



That is such an easy restore. take some iron rod or other sacrificial piece of iron. Next fill a tub or bin with water and chuck some bicarb in and stir it a bit.
Take a battery charger connect the negative to the iron and the positive to the piece you want clean. If you don't want to make lots of connected sacrificial iron bits, you will need to turn the item being cleaned over now and again as it is a line of sight process... This will clean even rusted stuck shit. It will not touch a single healthy clean iron molecule on the piece being cleaned.
Leave the shit in there overnight. Tomorrow take a hard brush and some water and it will clean up to the bone.