What did I do wrong?


Well-Known Member
My roots are microscopic. Look


These plants are two months old, were in the 4.00 round pot for OVER A MONTH!! And look what that produced.

What did I do wrong? These things were started in seed starting mix, I should think that's the most optimal medium for root development? But it seems to have had the opposite effect..

I've seen people with roots that were like, four to five times (or more) the size of the roots of my plants. These roots are like pinhairs!
Stop mulching your roots. I personally don't like soil because coco and other hydro grows can give you much better growth.
Mulching? I just did this, just once.
That soil looks pretty dry. How often are you watering?
Once, on July 11th. Hasn't been watered since. These are freshly transplanted, on July 5th, from 4.00 round pots.

I was watering up to two times per day (once at light on and then once 9hours later) while they were seedlings. I don't understand why these roots look so small, they're not thick whatsoever.
Mulching? I just did this, just once.

Once, on July 11th. Hasn't been watered since. These are freshly transplanted, on July 5th, from 4.00 round pots.

I was watering up to two times per day (once at light on and then once 9hours later) while they were seedlings. I don't understand why these roots look so small, they're not thick whatsoever.
You haven't watered in 16 days and wonder why they are small. Got it.
Mulching? I just did this, just once.

Once, on July 11th. Hasn't been watered since. These are freshly transplanted, on July 5th, from 4.00 round pots.

I was watering up to two times per day (once at light on and then once 9hours later) while they were seedlings. I don't understand why these roots look so small, they're not thick whatsoever.
Okay, well, you shouldn't let soil dry out for weeks after overwatering. Two wrongs don't make it right.

The roots are probably small because they shrank from a lack of water. Give them what they need, and don't let them dry out for longer than seven days. Without consideration to soil properties, you should be watering plants every 2-5 days.
You haven't watered them in over 2 weeks?!
Correct, this soil isn't... the best soil, it tends to hold onto water for a really long time. A lot of clay in it I believe. The plants ONLY just recently showed signs of wilting, and barely at that. Over two weeks later.
You haven't watered in 16 days and wonder why they are small. Got it.
There's more to it than that. When I transplanted, I saw no white roots whatsooever, like I've seen in so many photos on here. Here's one example
I saw no white roots whatsoever when I tranplanted. Further, those roots look a HELL of a lot bigger than the ones in my picture, despite the plant pots being similar sizes.
Correct, this soil isn't... the best soil, it tends to hold onto water for a really long time. A lot of clay in it I believe. The plants ONLY just recently showed signs of wilting, and barely at that. Over two weeks later.

There's more to it than that. When I transplanted, I saw no white roots whatsooever, like I've seen in so many photos on here. Here's one example
View attachment 5170625
I saw no white roots whatsoever when I tranplanted. Further, those roots look a HELL of a lot bigger than the ones in my picture, despite the plant pots being similar sizes.
You might want to consider using a new medium and starting over?
Correct, this soil isn't... the best soil, it tends to hold onto water for a really long time. A lot of clay in it I believe. The plants ONLY just recently showed signs of wilting, and barely at that. Over two weeks later.
You should invest in some coconut coir, peat moss, and/or perlite/pumice. You can add it to your existing soil in any ratio you want without throwing off its nutritional profile.