What deficiency do I have?? (pics)

- 4 months old.. trying to get plants health back to normal so i can take clones....
- ferts once a week. gmb superthrive and revive....
- 1000w hps over several plants
- 18/6
- pH seems to be around 6
- soil is pro mix with coffee grinds

please let me know what this could be and how i would be able to fix it, thanks! pics below.

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-yellowing tips of leaves curling down at tips slight twisting
on bigger fans


Well-Known Member
I would personally do 6.5. what are your temps? do you have good air flow? how often do you water?


Well-Known Member
I have a strain that curls like that if I give her any nitrogen in veg at all really...she likes to stay almost totally dry and no nutes at all....or her leaves do that same thing...pH will also make leaves curl...and i am a little confused by "it seems to be around 6"...is it around 6 or not? If so then the mid 6s to the low 7s are pretty alright for soil...is pro mix soil? Kinda...anyway I figure it will be around the same...for real I just got her to quit curling...and I did it by just giving up and letting her sit there...dry as a bone with no nutes at all...Testing a tiny clone in flower to see if no nutes at all and barely watering holds through flowering...I have always noticed that her roots were always really underdeveloped, but I never thought it was because she is some crazy desert plant...lol.


Well-Known Member
Coffee Grounds are very Acidic if I remember correctly. You probably need to bring the pH way up. You can Grind Washed egg shells to dust, lime, baking soda and water these in. That should help.