what coffee filter should i use for bho blast


what coffee filters should i use(they have different grade types and different colors and materials as well)?

and i cant find any sparkless heating plate with thermostat for ac220v for purging does it have any specific name or something because when i searching i can find only cooking plates,muscles heating pads or lizards heating pads...
Dude buy the right equipment before you have an accident. Couple hundred bucks and you'll be off and running. Blast column, 13 x 9 pyrex dish, and a vacuum & chamber. Blast and do the hot water bath OUTSIDE!!! The vac purge will get your product to a safe level of residual butane for consumption.
Dude buy the right equipment before you have an accident. Couple hundred bucks and you'll be off and running. Blast column, 13 x 9 pyrex dish, and a vacuum & chamber. Blast and do the hot water bath OUTSIDE!!! The vac purge will get your product to a safe level of residual butane for consumption.
point taken but in my country all this equipment cost 10 time more +i dont see the point if i can get the same results ...
about safety of course i will blast and purge outside with safety googles and Clothing.
any way i bouth this stainless steal 25 micron filters:
should i use 1 or 2?
Oh I got ya. Just be safe man, watch some good videos so you know how to be safe with it. Even static electricity on your shirt can ignite the butane. I started out making bho with a pvc pipe and a coffee filter, you have to water bath the living hell out if it to get the butane out without a purge. Good luck, be safe.
Oh I got ya. Just be safe man, watch some good videos so you know how to be safe with it. Even static electricity on your shirt can ignite the butane. I started out making bho with a pvc pipe and a coffee filter, you have to water bath the living hell out if it to get the butane out without a purge. Good luck, be safe.
tanks man appreciate it