What Can I say Im growing??



I'm trying to call garden centers in an attempt to find a soil between a ph of 6-7 to start a grow. However all greenhouses are asking me what I will be growing and I can't say pot...Is there anything I can say Im growing that grows similar to cannabis?


Active Member
tomaters, sage anything close to cannabis...where i live can tell em im growing cannabis, and the garden center i go too im pretty sure the owner grows pot too, he was uber helpful too.

Light House

Active Member
Tell them you're growing plum or cherry tomatoes if you want to expand on the story say its from summer and you have to transplant into greenhouse now, they grow in the same pH soil...if you live in a small community where this is illegal I highly suggest not walking looking ratty or with identifying traits ie) rasta shirt, 420 sticker on truck etc.


Well-Known Member
At our hydro store everyone grows weed. Its what keeps the store open. You can be quite open about it. In fact I would expect the clerks to assume thats what you are growing unless otherwise stated.


Well-Known Member
Garden Centers & Hydro Stores I always say tomatoes. The guy at my hydro shop gave me the funniest look when I told him i was looking for a 400w hps for afew tomato plants, he knew exactly what i was growing, but it helped me out after we started talking about "fatter, more dense tomatoes" with hps lol. Told me about cloning, adding cfl side lighting, the whole time using tomato code words. Was pretty funny & helped me out alot. I would assume most hydro stores grow but i have no idea