What can i expect from such an early harvest???


Active Member
here are the girls 6 weeks into flowering. unfortunately we have to be out by the end of the month due to the end of the lease and i'm not resigning. there is nothing i can do, and i mean nothing to finish these ladies off. i dont know too many people out here or anyone well enough to take them to, and i cant take them to my new place. one is over 6 feet!!! they got their last day of light today (10-26) as we unplugged everything and are going to leave them in the dark for two days, as i have read this helps w/ THC extraction into the buds since the plants are essentially dying....(am i wrong?)...another mistake i made was only starting to flush them with ro water 3-4 days ago. i would say there is only about 10-15% pistil color change from white to org/brn so yeah, i'm thinking this was all almost pointless but i now know what not to do and what i can do better on the next grow. so will i even get high with the buds being harvested so early? anyone and everyone interested is welcome to give me any input or whatever so i can get another perspective of people who know...THANKS RIU AND RIU MEMBERS!!!



Active Member
Yes, you will most definitely get high. You may lose a little potency; However you should have a more cerebral high. Of course this all depends on genetics too (some strains finish quicker). I pulled about a gram of mine today and after sampling I think I have about 1-2 weeks to go. Good luck and Happy Growing.


Active Member
Yes, you will most definitely get high. You may lose a little potency; However you should have a more cerebral high. Of course this all depends on genetics too (some strains finish quicker). I pulled about a gram of mine today and after sampling I think I have about 1-2 weeks to go. Good luck and Happy Growing.
well that makes me feel a bit better for sure. thank you


Well-Known Member
Oh, it'll get you high. Prepare for a very energetic high. The last time I smoked early bud I ran around the house in manic mode, decorating rooms, rearranging furniture, cleaning house. It was almost a speed buzz. My other half just watched me with wide eyes, shaking his head. After he saw everything I'd accomplished, he offered to help with my next grow. :)


Active Member
Oh, it'll get you high. Prepare for a very energetic high. The last time I smoked early bud I ran around the house in manic mode, decorating rooms, rearranging furniture, cleaning house. It was almost a speed buzz. My other half just watched me with wide eyes, shaking his head. After he saw everything I'd accomplished, he offered to help with my next grow. :)
wow, that's definitely not what i expected. was there some coke on that or somethin? some meth weed lol...well that sounds like a new buzz i'd like to try! thanks rambler, these replies are helping me feel not so down on an early harvest anymore. i'm def gonna cure them for at least two weeks. patience came really easy with this first grow so i can easily wait to smoke. and i manage to get high everyday anyway.

anyone else have any comments, suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I had a branch get damaged at two weeks into flower. I really didn't think I'd get anything off of it since I couldn't see trichomes yet, but....I was pleasantly surprised when i smoked the mini-buds.

My first harvest that I cut too early was at about 5 weeks (I was a newbie). That's the speed pot I had. Just a sativa that was too early, but yeah, I was a maniac.

It might've had something to do with the fact that I'd been smoking the stuff for two days straight. That might have had something to do with it. :)


Active Member
Aside from the responses you got, if you are so patient on waiting to cure + smoke your bud, why not be even more patient, and let her bloom to a desirable stage. IMHO, from your pics, you wont yield much from that at all unless you have an insane amount of pots going on, but if that is 1-3 plants, I would definitely wait, you will be very impressed at waiting the extra 1-3wks... You will def get a nice buzz from that, but you will get even better if you just was a bit MOre patient. I mean personal preferences is what its about, but that right there, would be disappointing to get high, and then, love it so much that you just smoked it all up in 1-3 sessions. So choose your pickings wisely man, if anything, just sample a bud or 2 here n there, but don't pull that bitch. She will love you more in the ENd... pz dude take care.
