What can I do with what I already have?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I am no longer able to spend money on my project. I have already put too much into it atm and have to wait until taxes to get anything else after an air stone and air pump which shouldn't be too expensive. I have a big bag of happy frog, half a bag of FFOF, about a gallon of peat moss, about a gallon of perlite, black oak earthworm castings, blood and bone meal, Alaska fish fertilizer, molasses, about a cup of dolomite lime, about a half cup of ground-to-dust eggshells. I have 8 plants and two of them have shown pistils, three are seedlings and the others should show any day now they have thus far been growing in FFOF minimal added nutes. I'm pretty sure that is it but if I remember anything I'll add. Anyways I have my own ideas but am new to indoor growing and wanted to get some more ideas to together especially form those who have been doing organic for a while. Thanks in advance and guaranteed rep+ for all responses. :peace:


Well-Known Member
so , after browsing around this site and reading a lot of posts people have already posted about ..... what have you learned ?

Daff O'Dill

New Member
Hey everyone. I am no longer able to spend money on my project. I have already put too much into it atm and have to wait until taxes to get anything else after an air stone and air pump which shouldn't be too expensive. I have a big bag of happy frog, half a bag of FFOF, about a gallon of peat moss, about a gallon of perlite, black oak earthworm castings, blood and bone meal, Alaska fish fertilizer, molasses, about a cup of dolomite lime, about a half cup of ground-to-dust eggshells. I have 8 plants and two of them have showed pistils, three are seedlings and the others should show any day now they have thus far been growing in FFOF minimal added nutes. I'm pretty sure that is it but if I remember anything I'll add. Anyways I have my own ideas but am new to indoor growing and wanted to get some more ideas to together especially form those who have been doing organic for a while. Thanks in advance and guaranteed rep+ for all responses. :peace:
You'll also need seeds or plants and a light.
Gimme my 'Rep +'


Well-Known Member
I have two grow boxes. The one for veg is 2' widex2.5' tall by 2' deep and the box for flower is a about 3' wide by 3' tall by 2' feet deep. I'm using 10 cfl 6500k for veg and 14 2700 k cfl for flower. Three fans in each pulling enough air no need to get into exact cfm. 8 plants all in FFOF with three being seedlings in FFOF cut with some sifted topsoil. I'm getting ready to transplant in about 7-10 days. I set up 2, 2 gallon containers with 1 part Happyfrog 1 part FFOF and 1 part FFOF that had been in another container for about two weeks then watered these with 1 tbs molasses/gal water to try and promote microbial growth. I'm thinking of making tea, probably start with just simple castings tea then advance as I learn more. One of my plants is definitely a female. Topped at the third node but she is still too bushy right now for me to do very much Lst with her which is what I'm waiting for so I can get more tops out of her. My last plant had 20+ tops before I found out it was a male. Maybe put her in flower now while the others veg out with lst? I'm just worried that if the others end up being all males I'll be making cloning the one in flower more difficult. I also want to make the soil mix last for all plants in case they end up being all females :bigjoint: Could I breed the micro organisms in the happy frog in a separate medium? Thanks. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well generally with cfls id keep the plants small cfls don't penetrate the canopy very well they work but you gotta keep them like 2 inch away i might suggest just flowering 1 at a time even i don't grow organic so i cant comment on your soil mix